A common operating picture for cross-boundary prioritization and collaboration for wildfire resilience

Whether you manage wildland, community or utility risk, Vibrant Planet is your partner in planning and implementation.


  • Understand current conditions and risks, as well as opportunities to mitigate risk while enhancing ecosystem function. Wildfire hazard and risk modeling is powered by Pyrologix, a Vibrant Planet company
  • Organize your landscape into management units that react similarly to disturbances and treatments.


  • Develop outcomes-based plans in collaboration through real time scenario planning.
  • In minutes, build sequenced projects to mitigate wildfire risk and unlock the most ecological benefit with the power of ForSys.
  • Understand everything from workforce capability, biomass, workforce quantitation.


  • Act on sequenced projects that prioritize within your constraints such as budget, workforce, or acres.
  • Download plans to field applications for efficient contract layout.
  • Coming soon: Integrate your results to streamline environmental analysis for NEPA and other regulatory processes.


  • Understand the outcomes of your mitigation investment.
  • Report the quantified results, beyond acres treated.


  • Understand changing priorities in a dynamic landscape.
  • Coming soon: Evaluate treatment effectiveness and resilience monitoring.
Wildfire hazard map showing a pink gradient, developed by Pyrologix. The darker the pink the higher the risk.Potential landscape areas for permitting considerationPre and post risk changes based on landscape treatments.Recommended plan update based on changing landscape hazard, vegetation, and risk conditions.

Our Platform


Map showing wildfire hazards, ranging from low to high risk. The map is shaded in red and pink hues to indicate varying hazard levels, with a legend provided by Pyrologix.
  • Understand current conditions and risks, as well as opportunities to mitigate risk while enhancing ecosystem function. Wildfire hazard and risk modeling is powered by Pyrologix, a Vibrant Planet company.
  • Organize your landscape into management units that react similarly to disturbances and treatments. In minutes, build sequenced projects to mitigate wildfire risk and unlock the most ecological benefit with the power of ForSys.


  • Develop outcomes-based plans in collaboration through real time scenario planning.
  • In minutes, build sequenced projects to mitigate wildfire risk and unlock the most ecological benefit with the power of ForSys.
  • Understand everything from workforce capability and quantification to biomass.


  • Act on sequenced projects that prioritize your constraints such as budget, workforce, or acres.
  • Download plans to field applications for efficient contract layout.
  • Coming soon:  Integrate your results to streamline environmental analysis for NEPA and other regulatory processes.


A map displays a "Post Treatment Risk" analysis with figures for structures exposed to wildfire, operational firefighting space, wildfire rate of spread, and ecosystem services at risk, showing various percentage changes.
  • Understand the outcomes of your mitigation investment.
  • Report the quantified results, beyond acres treated.


A map showing 2023 and 2024 project priority areas with a legend noting data updates: Banana Boat Wildfire disturbances and new data on Spotted Owl Habitat. Areas are color-coded for each project year.
  • Understand changing priorities in a dynamic landscape.
  • Coming soon: Evaluate treatment effectiveness and resilience monitoring.
“Vibrant Planet helps us collaborate with our partners to find consensus on land resilience treatments that represent our shared priorities. Their tool helps us spend our time where it matters: enhancing community wildfire protection.”
Dillon Sheedy
Assistant Wildfire Prevention Manager
Truckee Fire Prevention District

The science behind our platform

We’ve collaborated with national agencies and research groups to develop the common operating picture for wildfire and landscape resilience.

A beaver stands on a tree stump partially submerged in water, surrounded by branches and clear blue water in the background.


What is Vibrant Planet?

Who built Vibrant Planet?

What are the key features and capabilities?

Who can use Vibrant Planet?

What are the benefits of the platform?

How do I know if the system  improves planning processes?

What data does Vibrant Planet use?

How do I access the platform?

In which geographies can Vibrant Planet's methodology be used?