Scott Conway

Chief Resilience Officer

Scott brings proven natural resource leadership and management experience to multi-jurisdictional wild and working land management challenges. Scott is a 20-year US Forest Service veteran in land management with a diverse set of roles including District Ranger, Spatial Ecologist, Fire Fighter and Forester. Scott is determined to help transition data to insight in an effort to streamline all aspects of the land management lifecycle with the ultimate goal of making our communities more defensible and our wild and working lands more resilient to climate exacerbated disturbance.

Scott brings proven natural resource leadership and management experience to multi-jurisdictional wild and working land management challenges. Scott is a 20-year US Forest Service veteran in land management with a diverse set of roles including District Ranger, Spatial Ecologist, Fire Fighter and Forester. Scott is determined to help transition data to insight in an effort to streamline all aspects of the land management lifecycle with the ultimate goal of making our communities more defensible and our wild and working lands more resilient to climate exacerbated disturbance.
years serving forests
leadership roles for wildfire resilience projects
acres reforested, 10k acres thinned, 100s wildfires fought, 1000s trees hugged
world & national ultimate frisbee championships (each)
Why do you work at Vibrant Planet?

“I’m so insanely proud of the team Vibrant Planet has assembled; bringing together pioneers in their respective field gives us the agility to build solutions at the pace and scale that climate exacerbated disturbances like wildfire warrant.”


Allison Wolff
Chief Executive Officer
Guy Bayes
Chief Technology Officer
Peter Dabrowski
Chief Financial Officer
Oktay Dogramaci
President, Vibrant Planet Data Commons
Dr. Neil Hunt
Chief Product Officer
Dan Myers
Chief Operating Officer
Tory Nelson
VP of Product
Dr. Hugh Safford
Chief Scientist
Joe H. Scott
Chief Fire Scientist
Dr. Matt Thompson
Vice President of Wildfire Risk Analytics
Dr. Chelsey Walden-Schreiner
VP of Applied Science