Dr. Jeremy Arkin

Spatial Wildfire Analyst
Jeremy is a remote sensing scientist that focuses on the use of spatial data for wildfire applications. His interest in wildfire began while earning undergraduate degrees in Geography and Ecology at the University of Colorado, where he studied fire-induced ecosystem shifts caused by the 2002 Hayman Fire. Further academic experience includes the completion of a PhD from the University of British Columbia through the investigation of drone-based remote sensing technologies to analyze pre-fire risk and post-fire severity, culminating in four peer-reviewed publications. Professional experience includes working as a conventional forester and GIS technician in Colorado, as well as a Remote Sensing Specialist for a forest management consultant in British Columbia.
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Jon Bontrager
Spatial Wildfire Analyst
Michael Callahan
Engineering Team Lead
Jack Campanella
Senior Software Engineer
Dr. Tyler Hoecker
Landscape Fire Ecologist
Melissa Jaffe
Spatial Wildfire Analyst
Dr. Chris Moran
Director of Fire Science
Katherine Tully
Software Engineer
Kayleigh Wilson
Spatial Wildfire Analyst
Bryce Young
Spatial Wildfire Analyst