Dr. Tyler Hoecker

Landscape Fire Ecologist
Tyler is a landscape ecologist focused on understanding the drivers of forest ecosystem change – especially fire and climate – and identifying opportunities for climate-adaptive stewardship. Tyler’s work has revealed how climate-driven changes in the frequency and severity of wildfires are transforming conifer forests across the Western U.S. today and what we can expect of forests in the future. Tyler holds a M.S. from the University of Montana and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Tyler was a Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral Fellow with the University of Washington and the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center from 2021-2023 before joining Vibrant Planet and has worked as a field and research ecologist for the last 13 years. Tyler is excited to put cutting-edge quantitative ecology into the hands of land managers and decision makers.
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Why do you work at Vibrant Planet?


Dr. Jeremy Arkin
Spatial Wildfire Analyst
Jon Bontrager
Spatial Wildfire Analyst
Michael Callahan
Engineering Team Lead
Jack Campanella
Senior Software Engineer
Melissa Jaffe
Spatial Wildfire Analyst
Dr. Chris Moran
Director of Fire Science
Katherine Tully
Software Engineer
Kayleigh Wilson
Spatial Wildfire Analyst
Bryce Young
Spatial Wildfire Analyst